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December 30, 2008 |
Congo massacre death count rising
The Catholic aid agency said it believes 400 people were killed in massacres carried out in Congo by Ugandan rebels on Christmas Day.
Another Massacre in eastern Congo
Eastern Congo: As many as two hundred people, mostly women and children, were hacked to death as they sought refuge in a Catholic church. Witnesses identified their attackers as members of Joseph Kony's brutal Lords Resistance Army (LRA).An LRA spokesman claimed the Ugandan Army (UPFD) is responsible, but witnesses said they spoke the Acholi language, had dreadlocked hair and there were number of young boys in their ranks-all consistent with the LRA.
Either way, innocent civilians were slaughtered. A witness, Abel Longo told AP, " I hid in the bush and heard people wailing as they were being cut by machetes. The scene at the church was horrendous. On the floor were dead bodies of mostly women and children cut in pieces."