MiaFarrow.org |
Humanitarian and Advocacy Information |
May 5, 2009 |
Day 9
Please, please contact the White House. Leave word that it is not acceptable for you to watch a million or more Darfuris die of starvation, thirst and disease. This the time to stand up, not stand by. President Obama and all world leaders should be working urgently to get the 16 humanitarian agencies readmitted or replaced by equally capable ones. They must be given unrestricted access. They should be doing everything possible to bring about circumstances under which 2.7 million people can safely return home and being to rebuild their villages and their lives.Www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/
Comment line 202-456-1111
And never think your voice won't count. The government considers that every single call represents 10,000 people (voters).
The late Sen. Paul Simon said, of the Rwandan genocide-if just 100 people from each district had called or written, our government would have taken action to prevent the slaughter in Rwanda.