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Humanitarian and Advocacy Information |
April 5, 2008 |
July was a very long time ago for Darfurians. How many people in Darfur have died -- of violence, of hunger, of disease -- since July ? How many have been driven from their homes? How many women and girls have been raped?
But of course the sponsors only care about making more money.
Coke is going to sponsor these games without a qualm just as they sponsored the Nazi games in 1936.
It is time to call for a boycott of the opening ceremonies. I hope people will call in, urging our leaders not to attend the opening ceremonies. I hope in your own homes you will refuse to watch this garish display of Chinese propaganda. Rather think of the impoverished Chinese citizens who were bulldozed aside so that Beijing could be reconfigured for the games. Think of those who spoke out and were tortured and imprisoned. Think of Tibet and their just struggle for freedom. Think of the Chinese soldiers shooting monks to silence them. Think of the people of Darfur who are suffering immeasurably. Think of them and out of respect, let us all (at the very least) show we care and express our solidarity with the people and disgust with China and their corporations by boycotting those opening ceremonies.
Contact the sponsors if you are moved to. Tell them what you think of their complicity. No matter how many billions they spend telling you how great they are, never forget the truth: that money means more to them than human lives.
I am approaching recording artists and asking them to give "a Song for Darfur". I will tell you more as people sign on. We will run this through the Olympic opening ceremonies on another channel as well as on the Internet. Friends, we are also asking you to "switch over"during the commercials; I will be broadcasting live from the refugee camps. Unfortunately the Chinese slogan "one world one dream" does not apply to all of the people of the world, certainly not the people of Darfur. They cannot participate in, attend or watch the games -- so let's visit them!