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Humanitarian and Advocacy Information |
May 20, 2008 |

Bandits roam freely throughout the areas outside rebel or government control.
Along the road from Kago Bandora to Kago there are countless burned villages. The people live in the bush,some for two years, a short distance from Kago Bandoro. Commander Laque of APRD and his heavily armed men were ready for us. UNICEF had informed him that we would be passing along. We were introduced and he assured our safe passage. Indeed all along the route groups of rebels stood at attention when we passed. ACTED, an aid group, is paying people to repair the roads. It's hard work pounding the stones. Each is paid $2 a day. Many women had babies tied to their backs.
The boy in the picture was shot in northeastern CAR. I met him and other children in similar circumstances in Kaga Bandoro, at the IRC clinic.