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Humanitarian and Advocacy Information |
August 26, 2009 |
Al Bashir is directly supporting Kony and the LRA
Further to my note of July 28, below, on the connection between the Lord's Resistance Army and Khartoum:The Lord's Resistance Army has wreaked havoc on the people in the Northeast and North Central areas of the DRC. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced by the LRA raids upon villages. Countless children have been abducted.
My sources on the ground told me that covert flights carrying weapons are landing in a 'secret' airstrip near the DRC border with Sudan. These flights come in from Khartoum and they are loaded with weapons. After unloading the arms, the LRA then fills the plane with children, abducted from villages they raided in Congo. On average about 200 children per flight are sent to northern Sudan where they are sold in the slave market for upwards of $800 each. Some of the planes are painted white-to resemble UN humanitarian flights.
Due to LRA activity; displacement and fear of death, captivity and mutilations, villagers are no longer able to farm and harvest their fields and gardens. This is now causing a serious financial hardship to the populations, as well as severe food shortages.
.This region is dominated by LRA and it is difficult to get solid facts so this information is valuable. I cannot reveal my sources but they are impeccable. It's crazy but even I know where Kony is. Even I now know the site of the 'secret' airstrip. It is in south Sudan. Even I know that the LRA have moved into the Ezo and Tamburi area of Sudan. Even I know that the LRA is supported by Omer al-Bashir and his cabal in Khartoum. Why is this allowed to continue?
The visit to Congo by Secretary of State Clinton was a milestone. Congolese women are victims of the worst atrocities imaginable. Clinton raised global awareness of their plight and lifted their hopes that a caring world will come to help them. I am still cheering the fact that she went there and said what she said!
But I wish she had mentioned the atrocities being committed in the Congo by the LRA