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Humanitarian and Advocacy Information |
August 25, 2009 |
Dear Mr. President,
As a Senator, presidential candidate, and now as President of the United States, you have spoken eloquently and firmly about America's responsibility and your personal devotion to help bring peace and stability to the people of Sudan. You've said that "silence, acquiescence and paralysis in the face of genocide is wrong;" advocated for "strong consequences" and "real pressures [to] be placed on the Sudanese government;" proclaimed that "Sudan is a priority for this administration;" and declared that "If we act, the world will follow." All that conviction, Mr. President, demands strong action.
The U.S. must: Lead a more effective and urgent peace process for Darfur; build an international coalition for strict implementation of the North-South peace deal; and implement a policy that creates real consequences for those who continue to attack civilians, block life-saving aid, undermine peace and obstruct justice.
As you have said, "The worsening humanitarian crisis there [in Sudan] makes our task all the more urgent." Nearly 3 million Darfuris living in camps face the threat of rape and aid cut-offs, the country's president remains wanted for war crimes, and a return to full-scale North-South civil war looms. All that we are asking is that you live up to your words — all of them.