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mia farrow

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December 1, 2009

This child has been fleeing from militia for three years. Learn what you can do to help

Urge your Representative to support legislation for conflict-free cell phones, laptops and other electronics.
Urge your Representative to cosponsor the Congo Conflict Minerals Trade Act of 2009 (HR 4128) . The bill will identify any conflict minerals http://www.enoughproject.org/publications/mine-mobile-phone from Congo imported into the United States. It is the strongest effort thus far to stop the scourge of conflict minerals in Congo.

CALL your Representatives's office urging for support

https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml your Representative's office to ask in person for their commitment.

EMAIL your Representative directly;

Commit to purchase conflict-free cell phones, laptops and other electronics.
Help us increase demand for conflict-free electronics. Email the electronics industry leaders http://www2.americanprogress.org/t/1659/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=6265 and urge them to make their products conflict free. The message is clear: If you take conflict out of your cell phone, I will buy it.

Urge your school, or other institution to go conflict-free.
Get your school to publicly call on electronics companies to make conflict-free computers and printers for your campus. To share stories and ideas with other students, send an email mailto:conflictfreecampus-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to join our "Conflict-Free Campus" listserv.

Help us grow the conflict-free movement!
Urge your friends to join you http://www2.americanprogress.org/t/1659/tellafriend.jsp?tell_a_friend_KEY=1106 in coming clean for Congo.

Publicly call for support of conflict minerals legislation
Write an opinion editorial or letter to the editor ;http://www2.americanprogress.org/t/1659/letter/?letter_KEY=275 of your local paper. Publicly urge your Senators to support conflict mineral legislation. Click here http://www.raisehopeforcongo.org/edtips for tips on writing your editorial, or check out our MediaToolkit;http://www.enoughproject.org/files/RAISE%20Hope%20for%20Congo%20Media%20Toolkit.pdf

Recycle your old electronics
By recycling your old cell phones, computers and other electronic products, you'll cut down on the need for new minerals. Visit electronic recyclers like Eco-Cell http://eco-cell.com for more information.
to learn more go to http://www.enoughproject.org/conflict_areas/eastern_congo
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