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As Omer al-Bashir boasts that peace has come to Darfur, and even as he is signing a very public ceasefire and a proposed peace agreement with one of Darfur’s rebel groups, his forces continue to pound Jebel Marra in the center of Darfur. In the past two weeks the attacks and bombings have displaced at least 100,000 more Darfuris. United Nations official Samuel Hendricks said humanitarian access to the area has been impossible,. He is appealing for a cease-fire to allow aid to reach people displaced by the fighting.
"It is simply impossible to know how many people are affected," he said. "The entire issue now is how to get access" to the civilians.
Some 3 million Darfuri civilians are already displaced and surviving in wretched camps across Darfur and eastern Chad. The attacks on Darfur’s people began in 2003
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