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Humanitarian and Advocacy Information |
February 18, 2010 |
Boston, MA
Following a well-publicized shareholder vote on genocide-free investing on November 24, American Funds has now become the largest mutual fund company to divest its holdings in PetroChina. A recent posting on the company’s website shows that American Funds sold virtually all their holdings in Petrochina, worth $190 million.
The investment landscape has changed dramatically in the last year. Investors, concerned about their savings being connected to genocide, now have clear, mainstream choices. The positive actions by American Funds and TIAA-CREF stand in stark contrast to Vanguard, Fidelity, and Franklin Templeton for taking no action and continuing to hold large investments in companies, such as PetroChina, linked to an ongoing genocide.Here are links to two articles.
American Funds sells PetroChina as rights group claims victory <http://investorsagainstgenocide.net/page1001277>
-American Funds sells stock targeted by activists <http://investorsagainstgenocide.net/page1001276>